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Soy protein for immunity - Know the benefits and risks of soybean

Soy protein for immunity - Know the benefits and risks of soybean

New Delhi: Soy-based products have been a part of Asian cuisine for a very long time. They are a rich source of amino acids and protein. When talking about including protein in the diet, usually animal-based diet options are considered. However, with foods such as soybean, vegans and vegetarians can opt for an equally healthy and tasty diet. They are also a rich source of fibre, minerals, vitamins and other important nutrients. Some popular soy products include soybeans, tofu, tempeh, edamame, soy yoghurt, and soy milk.

Soy protein and immunity

Soy is an excellent source of protein. Protein is an essential nutrient that plays an important role in keeping the body healthy and active. The framework of the cells constitutes protein, therefore it is required to repair damaged cells. With a pandemic ongoing, everyone needs to consume food that can help build their immunity to ward of infections and strengthen the body. Nutrients such as protein and vitamin C can aid the immunity building process. Soy products, being a great source of it soy protein, vitamin C, and omega 3, can help enhance immunity.

Benefits of soy

Potential health benefits offered by soy are as follows:

  1. May aid blood sugar management: Blood sugar management is a major concern for people suffering from diabetes. Some studies show the benefit of soy on blood sugar management. One such study includes the "Soy Protein Supplementation Reduces Clinical Indices in Type 2 Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome" published in the Yonsei Medical Journal.
  2. May help improves bone health: Healthy bones are an integral part of a healthy body. According to a clinical trial published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research called "Soy Reduces Bone Turnover Markers in Women During Early Menopause: A Randomized Controlled Trial", it was found that consumption of isoflavones can help promote bone health by reducing its loss due to reduction in low estrogen levels.
  3. May enhance fertility: A study called "Soy food intake and treatment outcomes of women undergoing assisted reproductive technology" was conducted on women undergoing infertility treatments. According to the results published in Fertility and Sterility, it was found that soy may help enhance fertility in women. It must be noted that the study was conducted on women and the results are focused on the same.

Risks of soy

Although more research is required to back most risk claims, some common health risks involved with soy consumption are as follows:

  • Some people may suffer from a soy allergy. Consumption of soy-based foods can induce an allergic reaction in them.
  • Substituting milk formula with soy formula may adversely affect the growth of infants.
  • Excessive consumption of soy products can result in diarrhoea due to the presence of insoluble fibres.
  • Suppression of thyroid function leading to hypothyroidism may also be a consequence of high soy product intake.
  • Risks of cancer may be involved with unmoderated soy consumption among women.

Disclaimer: Tips and suggestions mentioned in the article are for general information purpose only and should not be construed as professional medical advice. Always consult your doctor or a dietician before starting any fitness programme or making any changes to your diet.

Publisher: TimesNowNews English

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