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What is the Astigmatism and Arteriosclerosis

fitness first house is the fitness and well being startup ,We're committed to being your source for expert health and fitness guidance. Come to us in your pursuit of wellness and healthy.
Astigmatism is defined as the eye creating two images instead of one image on the retina. This happens when the power of the eye isn't the same in all directions, often because the front of the eye (the cornea) is shaped more like the back of a spoon than a perfect sphere. Astigmatism does not affect the health of the eye, and eyes with astigmatism can be perfectly healthy. The result is that objects look blurry, but how much blur is different in different directions, which is why people with astigmatism often have trouble reading some letters but not others. Astigmatism text blur It can also cause headaches and eyestrain. In most cases it is easily fixed with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery. rteriosclerosis is a diseased condition of the arteries. The artery walls are thickened, hardened and lose stretchiness, called elasticity. There are three main types. Atherosclerosis is the most common type. It is the narrowing of arteries from a buildup of plaque, usually made up of cholesterol, fatty substances, cellular waste products, calcium and fibrin, inside the arteries. This affects large and medium-sized arteries; however, its positioning varies person to person.[2] Mönckeberg Arteriosclerosis. This is when the middle layer of the artery stiffens. This is because of calcium deposits. Arteriolosclerosis. This affects the body's smaller arteries The effects of arteriosclerosis can lead to lack of regular blood flow. Low blood flow to the brain can make you dizzy, numb, have slurred speech, and have other symptoms. Thromboses can further block the blood flow. This causes you to be at risk of getting stroke, or a heart attack. Arteriosclerosis is a major health problem. Arteriosclerosis can be prevented by reducing risks. Risks are smoking, obesity, and low amounts of exercise. Doctors recommend dieting and exercise. Diets consist of low amounts of cholesterol and saturated fats. Some patients may take drugs that lower the amount of cholesterol in their blood

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