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The 5 Chest Stretch Variations fitness-first-house

fitness first house is the fitness and well being startup ,We're committed to being your source for expert health and fitness guidance. Come to us in your pursuit of wellness and healthy. here are the Desk jobs, driving, swimming and carrying boxes all have one thing in common: the use of the arms and chest to perform the task. A large percentage of what we do in life is in front of us, making it common for the muscles in the front of our body to become hypertonic or shortened and limiting chest, shoulder and arm flexibility.
Pectoralis major and minor, anterior deltoid and biceps are all muscles located on the front of the body. Tight pectoral muscles contribute to a postural deviation known as forward rounded shoulders and limit range of motion in the shoulder joint, Opening up the front of the body through a variety of chest stretches can increase flexibility of the chest muscles and connective tissue and allow for greater range of motion in the shoulders to improve upper body posture and allow for pain free movement patterns. 5 Variations of Chest Stretches The following chest stretches provide various ways to open up the front body, and can be performed any time—not just after a workout. Executed regularly, you will start to see and feel continual improvements in chest and shoulder flexibility and range of motion. Hold each stretch for 15-30 seconds or 3-5 breath cycles. One inhale + one exhale = 1 breath cycle. Avoid bouncing. With each exhale, move into the stretch a little further, but only to the point of tightness, or slight discomfort, never pain. Perform stretches 2-4 times. Bring focus to pulling the shoulder blades down and back, while also shining your chest and heart forward to create length within the pectoral muscles. Behind-the-back Elbow-to-elbow Grip to perform, it’s a great way to stretch anytime of the day. Seated or standing, begin with arms hanging by your sides and shoulders pressed down away from your ears. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together and broaden the chest. Bring the arms behind the back and grip elbow to elbow. Above-the-head Chest Stretch This is another stretch that can be performed either seated or standing. Play around with the positioning of the hands to emphasize shoulders and/or chest. Seated or standing, interlock your fingers, bend your elbows and raise your arms above your head. Gently squeeze your shoulder blades together and move your elbows and hands backward. Vary the height of your hands to emphasize shoulders and/or chest (hands behind head, hands on top of head, hand a few inches above head). Bent-arm Wall Stretch This exercise allows you to stretch each side of your chest separately. Assume a split stance, Right leg in the front and left leg in the back, at the end of a wall or in a doorway. Bring the left arm up to shoulder height and position the palm and inside of the arm on the wall surface or doorway. Your arm should look like a goal post. Gently press the chest through the open space to feel the stretch. Moving the arm higher or lower will allow you to stretch various sections of the chest. Repeat on the other side. Extended Child’s Pose on Fingertips In yoga, child’s pose is considered a resting exercise, but when the arms are extended, this exercise becomes very active in the upper body while still providing stress relief to the low back. Kneel on the floor. Touch your big toes together and sit on your heels; next, separate your knees about as wide as your hips. Bend forward from the hips and walk your hands out as far in front of you as possible. With the arms extended and palms facing down, come up onto the fingertips as if you have a ball underneath your palms and melt the chest toward the floor. Side Lying Parallel Arm Chest Stretch

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