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1. Eat Your Way To Glowing Skin

The phrase “You are what you eat” couldn’t be more accurate. A nutritious diet is a fool-proof way to achieving healthy skin. Make sure you add fruits and vegetables to your daily intake. Food rich in omega-3 fatty acid like flax seeds, walnuts and vitamin-enriched foods like oranges, sweet potatoes, and pumpkin are a must. Also include foods that are high in protein like eggs, chicken, kidney beans, lentils, chickpeas and cottage cheese. A wholesome diet does the job on its own to keep you radiant and healthy from within by giving your body all that it requires.

2. Drink Plenty of Water

We can’t stress enough on the importance of H2O. Every system and function in our body relies on water. Carry a bottle of water with you wherever you go and keep yourself hydrated through the day. Drinking a minimum of 8 or more glasses of water helps flush out toxins from your body, and hence your skin looks plumper and livelier. It also helps keep wrinkles at bay.

The best way to consume water is to fill up a bottle with cucumbers, lemons, zucchinis, mint leaves and other such brightly colored veggies and make your detox water to drink on-the-go. Doing this gives you the nutrients as well as the hydration to help your body utilize and hold onto the water more efficiently.

3. Sleep In Peace

A good night’s sleep goes hand-in-hand with how you look and feel. It’s crucial because your body repairs itself while you sleep. Just like you need to charge your cell phone, your body needs to charge itself and to go through the day with your battery at 50 percent, only leads to added strain and inefficiency. 6-8 hours of quality sleep is vital for you to wake up feeling and looking great. By doing this, you will have a glowing complexion, less of those dreaded dark circles under your eyes and you’ll slow down your aging process. The skin produces new collagen when you sleep. Don’t let anything in the world come in the way of you and your beauty sleep!

4. Be Ingredient Conscious

Ingredient-conscious beauty is a thing. Yes! Just like what you put inside your body affects your overall health, what you put on the surface does the same. Your skin absorbs 60 percent of the stuff you put on so make sure you do some research on the ingredients that are present in your skin care, hair care, and beauty products. Keep away from products that contain parabens, petrochemicals, and sulfates that may cause irritation to your skin or make your hair dry and frizzy. It’s best to stick to products that contain natural ingredients.

5. Working Out To Healthy Skin

Physical activity is so essential, both for your physical as well as mental health. Do something – whatever your jam is – be it hitting the gym, running, doing yoga or going swimming. Scientifically, it is proven that exercise can benafit your skin and improves your mood. A minimum of three hours of physical activity per week will result in improving your health. It improves your blood circulation, helps get rid of toxins, increases the amount of oxygen delivered to your skin, provides a boost of endorphins that reduce stress and calm your entire body, including your skin! However, if you’re heading out to the park for a run, never ever forget to wear sunscreen.

6. Stick To A Consistent Skin Care Routine

You need to know your skin type and find a skin care routine that work for you. The CTM routine that is cleansing, toning and moisturizing are imperative for healthy skin. The kind of products you use to follow this method wholly depends on your skin type. Follow a consistent morning and night routine, and we guarantee that you will see a drastic improvement in your skin’s appearance. Also, do not, under any circumstances, go to bed without adequately cleansing it out. You will only invite a whole bunch of problems for your skin. Use a hand cream and body lotion for your hands and legs.

7. Exfoliation Is Key

Make exfoliation a vital part of your skincare regime. It indeed is the key to radiant skin. Your skin is always shedding dead cells from the surface which helps in renewing itself with fresh and healthy cells. Give this natural process a helping hand by using a mild exfoliator. An excess of dead cells sitting on the surface of your skin can lead to clogged pores, blackheads, acne and pimples. When you inculcate exfoliation into your regime, your serums and moisturizers are better absorbed into the skin making them work more efficiently. Opt for gentle scrubs or create your own natural scrubs at home using ingredients like gram flour or a coffee scrub. Keep exfoliation to a maximum of twice a week. You will see visible improvement in the health of your skin – it will look fresher and smoother.

8. Make Sunscreen Mandatory

Sunscreen is not an option. The Sun’s UVA, UVB and UVC rays are the primary cause of premature aging of the skin. If you follow this one simple step, you will thank yourself in the future. It helps prevent dark spots and hyper-pigmentation. SPF which is the ‘sun protection factor’ determines how well sunscreen will protect you. Dermatologists recommend that you wear a minimum of an SPF 30 before stepping out.

9. Bust The Stress

In today’s modern lifestyle, we all have crazy schedules and stress comes naturally. However, uncontrolled stress can lead to problems like headaches and hypertension. It can also lead to acne, hair fall and graying of hair. These are only a few severe outcomes of stress. So while you can’t entirely avoid bills, work, your life and all the stress that comes with it, you should find a way to manage it. Meditate, drink a nice hot cup of tea, listen to music or make some time for anything you love. Do take a chill pill now and then!

10. Drink Green Tea

There’s a reason why green tea is so popular amongst health enthusiasts. It perhaps is the healthiest beverage out there and is enriched with nutrients and antioxidants that are incredibly beneficial to the body. It contains ‘catechins’ that are a form of antioxidants that prevent cell damage. It improves blood circulation, lowers cholesterol and blood pressure and improves the health of your skin. The ingredient EGCG that’s present in this tea also helps in weight loss by reducing fat absorption. Make it a habit to brew yourself some green tea!

11. Give Your Face A Massage

This is a D.I.Y secret skin professionals swear by. A good facial massage every other day can reduce the appearance of fine lines, tighten your skin and make it appear more radiant. Besides, it also makes you feel relieved from stress and rejuvenated. The Chinese implement this technique by targeting specific pressure points on the face. You can use lotion or coconut oil so this way you’re moisturizing while massaging your skin.

12. Pamper Your Tresses

Have you imagined all the sweat, pollution and dirt that is stripping your hair of its natural radiance? Soft, shiny hair is a sign of healthy hair. It’s crucial to take good care of your locks by providing nourishment to your hair. You can do this by oiling your hair with coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil at least once a week. Hair spa treatments are also crucial because oiling alone does not provide enough nourishment. Use hair products that are free from sulfates and other harmful chemicals. Avoid using heat on your hair and try leaving it in its natural state as often as you can without needing to pull out those hair styling tools that only damage your hair to temporarily look good. Invest in a good leave-in conditioner or serum that is enriched with the goodness of Moroccan Argan oil instead. Naturally, glossy hair only adds to your beauty.

13. Wear Well-Fitting Clothes

What you wear affects how you present yourself. Ensure all the clothes you choose fit you perfectly. Stock your wardrobe up with clothes that complement you and look flattering on your figure. Wearing clothes that are too tight or baggy can be uncomfortable and can add bulkiness to your shape. Clothes that don’t fit you well are only ruining your style. Add in some extra effort to find stuff while you shop, that makes your body look flattering and also allows you to breathe.

14. Be Well Groomed

Keeping yourself groomed from head-to-toe is essential to your appearance. Doesn’t it also feel great to take care of every bit of you thoroughly? Pamper yourself a little and hit the salon for a mani-pedi and a facial on the weekend. It’s also crucial to look after your eyebrows as they frame your face and we can’t stress enough upon the significance of great eyebrows. Make regular waxing appointments and get rid of excess hair (if this matters to you). On the whole, stay kempt on a daily basis – shower regularly, use a perfume or a deodorant, groom your hair and keep yourself clean.

15. Take Care Of Your Smile

Your pearly whites need maintenance and your oral health speaks volumes about you. Visit the dentist every six months or so and follow regular routines like brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a good fluoride toothpaste. Floss every day, use mouthwash and keep your smile looking healthy and clean. Choose the right toothbrush and brush your teeth the right way – go up and down in little circular motions. A great smile bestows so many advantages and it also boosts your confidence to a whole new level!

16. Get Regular Hair Trims

Getting regular trims improves the look and feel of your hair. Make sure you get a trim at regular intervals (at least once in two months). By trimming unhealthy split ends, your hair will have lesser breakage and flyaways, adding volume and shine to it. If you want to grow out your hair, trims are recommended as healthy hair encourages faster growth.

17. Deal With Those Pesky Pimples The Right Way

Breakouts are natural, and everyone has to go through this ordeal – some more than others. However, there’s no need to fret. Let me tell you, the worst thing you can do to your new friend is trying to get rid of it by popping it. Do not, under any circumstance, touch your pimples or try to squeeze them – you are only going to make the situation worse. Instead, opt for methods that will treat these pesky babies and remove them without leaving a scar. You can dab some tea-tree oil on the zit and be patient until it dries up. You can also use retinol or benzoyl peroxide to get rid of them. Use a face wash with a percentage of salicylic acid, and you can avoid breakouts to a great extent. Patience is key here!

18. Use Basic Dietary Supplements

A healthy diet is exceptionally vital, but sometimes, we miss out on a whole lot of nutrients because they aren’t a part of our diet. Please note that you can’t take these supplements in place of regular food and survive, but you can add these to your diet plan to enhance their benefits. Popular supplements include Vitamin A, B12, C, D and E, calcium and iron, zinc and specialty products like fish oils and probiotics. Health supplements are essential because factors like alcohol, infections, and allergies rapidly deplete the body of its nutrients.

19. Cut Down On The Junk

‘Junk’ here refers to a wide variety of items like unhealthy foods, alcohol, cigarettes and all the other trash we mindlessly consume. Putting a full stop on fast food like burgers, french fries, soda and other deep-fried, sugary items will make an enormous difference in your health and overall appearance. It’s also best to cut down on excess sugar, alcohol, and smoking as they are not only hazardous for your vital organs but these are also factors that lead to other issues which will evidently show in your appearance. So cut it all out and maintain a good balance between healthy food and fast food.

20. Invest In Night Cream

A night cream will help you wake up looking your best. Many of you may ask if a night cream is necessary and the answer is a big yes! During the day, we are all exposed to pollution, smoke, the sun and plenty of free radicals which stress our skin and cause premature aging. You need to utilize night time to rejuvenate your skin by providing it with sufficient nutrients and moisture. You should consider investing in a high-quality night cream that suits your skin type when your skin is in its rest and repair mode. Getting a good night’s rest with a night cream on will drastically change the way your skin looks and feels in the morning!

21. Maintain Good Posture

A proper posture alignment will not only allow you to work more efficiently and avoid strain on your spine, muscles, and ligaments but it also has an impact on how you come off as to those around you. Slouching and a poor posture can make you look a lot older besides damaging your back and adversely impacting your energy levels. Always be mindful of how you sit, walk and move around as this really matters – even when you get older.

22. Whip Up Some DIY Face Masks               

What’s better than indulging yourself on a Friday night with a nourishing face mask? Sounds relaxing, right? It’s super simple to make these masks in the comfort of your home with ingredients from your kitchen (if you like keeping it natural). A weekly mask routine helps your skin get some extra care and attention, leaving it energized and rejuvenated. Based on your skin type, prepare a mask that fits your needs, put it on and relax! You can use ingredients like honey, aloe vera, gram flour, yogurt, oatmeal, and fruits, as these are some very popular options for homemade masks.

23. Sleep On A Silk Pillowcase

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is great for your face and hair – it can help them stay healthy and smooth and can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles on your face. Silk is also naturally resistant to dust mites and other allergens. These pillowcases have become a new fad, but besides being just a fad, they have some very substantial benefits. You need to try it to believe 

24. Engage In Activities That Make You Happy

Besides all the external factors, it’s most important to keep yourself genuinely happy. The stress and monotony of our daily lives will dim out our sparks and make us really distressed and sad. Make sure you take some time out for yourself and engage in activities that bring you happiness—be it painting, cycling, listening to music or cooking. Even if the only thing that makes you happy is your morning coffee – live for that coffee intake and make it marvelous. Take time out for yourself and focus on the euphoric and magical parts of life. Engage often in things that make your soul happy!

25. Embrace Yourself, Flaws And All

You need to love yourself to the point that your energy and aura reject anyone who doesn’t know your worth. Self-love is not selfish; it’s as important as the love you so freely give to others. We’ve all got flaws but if you cancel out the flaws – that would mean rejecting a whole chunk of you without which you wouldn’t be you. We aren’t preaching here but only giving out some advice – embrace every bit of yourself!

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