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how can girls ride their bicycles through the forest . you should visit a forest benafit in a forest beauty .

< Every once in a while we all need to take a break away from the rigmaroles of our every day lives and routine; to relax, unwind and immerse ourselves in blissful peace, minus any agendas. A forest vacation is the perfect escape to the pristine wilderness, that promises uninterrupted moments of natural calm and unhindered, enchanting views to savour every moment. Forests offer a peaceful haven, far from the maddening hustle bustle of city lives and city lights. An ideal destination to experience a flourishing natural landscape, abundant in flora and fauna and be one with the quiet and peace that it has to offer. It is an ideal place to disconnect from our screens and technology and be one with our origins, a place where we actually originated from.Forests are known to contribute to our good health with the abundance of fresh air, natural surroundings that help the stress levels go down marginally, and at the same time oxygenating our lungs manifold. Forests are natural healers that play a vital role in refurbishing our physical and emotional well being. An ecosystem that is critical and intrinsic to mankind, one that helps maintain the ecological balance. A holiday to the forests can serve as a wonderful reminder to preserve and conserve this precious natural habitat and it’s residents, that are key to our existence. both flora and fauna are great teachers. They can impart us with life-changing lessons in resilience, patience, selfless-love, team work and camaraderie. The forest residents have stayed in touch with their intrinsic nature since times immemorial, whether it is staying true to their body clock or living up to the spirit and laws of the jungle. Forests and their natural beauty with their awe-inspiring sights and sounds, can play a vital role in bringing to fore our hidden creative talents. This could be in the form of painting, art, writing, photography etc. Forests can elicit our inner most thoughts translating them to a piece of unique art. There is a plethora of knowledge to imbibe on the varied species of birds, animals, plants and tress that form an integral part of the forest cover. A journey into the jungles aids in this learning process and imparts us with some useful information on the flora and fauna that are so integral to our being. Forests are a great learning ground for our children, amidst the natural beauty. A forest with its raw beauty and splendour can be a photographers dream come true. The appealing sights and the captivating moments of the forests captured on a photographers candid camera can be a worth a thousand words.

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