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covid 19 reserch, analysis and protocol

(1) proection- covid 19 is spreding in your communitty ,stay safe by taking some common and simple precautions, such as physical distancing,wering a mask,keeping room well ventilated,avoiding crowds, cleaning your hand ,and coughing into bent elbow or tissue.maintain distnce during talking to other always sanitizer your hand with sanitizer,eat healthy food at your home ,exercise regularey do not go for party and social gathring.maintain at least 1-meter distance between yourself and other to reduce your risk of infection when they cough,sneeze or speak.maintain an ever greater distance between yourself and other when indoors the further away,the better. one more thing make wearing a mask a normal part of being around other people.                          how to wear a mask -clean your hand before you put your mask on, as well as before and after you take it off.make sure it cover both your nose,mouth and chin . wear a medical / surgical mask if you .the risk of getting covid- 19 are higher in and indequatly ventillated space  where infected people spend lot of time long period of time together in close proximity .these enviroment are where the virus appers to spreads by respiratory droplets,or aresoles more efficiently,so taking precaution even more important.


physical activity stay healthy - covid-19 pendemic means to stay home more then usually we do .its hard for lots of us to do sort exercise but its very important to doing exercise for our health and our immunity try to be active as possible such as walking, straching ,pushups will help to ease muscles and improve blood circulation and muscle activity .

healthy diet-stay healthy at home- eating healthy food is very important during covid -19 pendemic what we eat and drimk that wil affect our body ability to prevent ,fight and recover from infection .while no food or dietary supplement can prevent or cure covid-19 infection,healthy diet are important for our immune system .good nutrition can also reduce the likelihood of developing other health problem ,including obesity ,heart disease dibetese and some type of cancer. for babies a healthy diet mean exclusive brestfeeding in the first six month a healthy and balnced diet are essential for the growth and development .           tips for maintaing a healthy diet -(1) eat varity of food including fruits and vegetables (2) cut back on salt (3) eat moderate amount of fats and oils (4) limit suger intake (5) stay hydrated drink enough water (6) avoid hazourdous and harmful alcohol

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if we will follow everything we will healthy thanks