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10 important thing to get right early in life # motivation

 (1) understand the grand scale somtimes good thing happen when you dont desrve them but somtimes lot of bad thing happen what you dont deserve them but it complex part of life  freedom  and experiences you relise that other people reliable that bigger picture take time explore it.

(2) get used to letting people down dont try to please others not everyone going to like you its not about who you are its about what you stand for or do

(3) find balance in pacing yourself 

(4) understand money as tool your happines never going to link with your bank balance

(5) find your healthy routine

(6) be flexible

(7) have a good saving mindset as sooner you start faster you grow

(8) attration mindset you thing everything positively 

(9) have a love  for  learning ,be curious ,make rading a habbit

(10) learn to listen

(11) free yourself to addiction

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